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  • Writer's pictureMonica Samuel

Video linked Pilates- thanks Zoom

Updated: Jun 29, 2020

To point out the obvious... our world as we know it has changed. COIVD_19 is 'ruling the roost', causing a mass pandemic and chaos. We are under attack and this helpless feeling is everywhere.

The message we are getting is simple- STAY AT HOME. We have one chance to get this right and help save the world, our world.

So we have ALL had to change everything, literally overnight. We've had to find new ways of working, living, coping, shopping, exercising and staying connected.

So I may be late to the party (as such) but finding apps like Zoom are making my business still possible. I can connect to my clients - young and old, teach Pilates, share a laugh and keep them healthy and strong. Many have said how lovely it is to have some time to themselves, closing the door to their 'real life' and escaping into one all about them for all of 60 minutes.

Virtual connections with video and audio, allow me to still teach in an effective and personalised way. I can offer feedback, positive encouragement and motivation to push through with their Pilates programme, despite the current situation.

I am passionate about Pilates and know the benefits for my mental and physical health. I plan to post more Pilates routines to enable and encourage others to maintain their fitness, strength, mental and physical health, in these challenging months ahead.

Take care, stay safe, stay at home and live every day for itself. If ever there was a time to be present, it's now.

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