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  • Writer's pictureMonica Samuel

Running - how Pilates can bring out the best version of you

While out running this weekend, I thought of all the ways Pilates helps me be the best version of myself when running. By engaging my core, setting my centre with good alignment and staying aware of my posture throughout my run, I can feel the right muscles doing the right thing.

So here are my top 2 toe tips to help you on your runs

Footwear: it's worth spending money on the right pair of trainers and getting the correct advice to give your feet their optimum position. You may pronate or have very flat feet? Either way there are trainers and insoles to fit you.

Pelvis: think of your pelvis like a bucket of water- you don't want the bucket to tip forward or backwards as you run. You ideally want your pelvis to stay in neutral. So the front part of your 'bucket' is supported by pulling your lower abs (tummy muscles) in while you run. The back of your 'bucket' is supported by keeping length in your spine and using your glutes (bottom muscles) as you run.

Ribs: by keeping your ribs from flaring out (at the bottom), you allow for maximum engagement of your abs and core. Think about softening the end of your rib cage thus creating length in your spine.

Neck & shoulders: keeping your shoulder blades 'back and down' as your run, encourages alignment and prevents overuse of your neck and upper traps muscles. Keep your collar bones 'smiling' and chest open to optimise your breathing and posture.

Keep your chin tucked back and in: keeping the length in the back of your neck and tucking your chin back is key for alignment.

Pilates and body awareness go hand in hand. Matwork pilates builds a platform for strengthening and lengthening your core and leg muscles. When you can bring this into functional situations like running, you can improve your technique no end.

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