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  • Writer's pictureMonica Samuel

2021: my new years resolution

The new year is typcially a time for new resolutions, new starts, new ideas. This year there is so much out of our control with the pandemic, that I've decided to take CONTROL of my new years resolution.

I've added some new storage, introduced some more house plants, sorted through my Pilates equipment and now I feel all set up for 2021.

I have been lucky over the holidays to take time off social media, focus in on me and my family & stop viewing the world through everyone elses eyes.

Have you ever taken a break from facebook or instagram? I had been thinking about it for a while - watched Social Dilemma, chatted to friends, read a little. If you've not tried it, I highly recommend you give it a go.

At first it felt weird, I actually felt a bit lonely! But then I realised I gained hours of my life back! Sounds mad writing this down now but instead of swiping through insta while my kids played in the playground, I interacted with them instead. I felt altogether more present, more grounded and more whole.

I messaged friends and family directly and shared news and photos with them. I realised I am not lonely, nor am I alone, and that before social media took over, I was and am still someone important. It doesn't depend on how many likes I get, or how many followers I have, it's based on how I feel about myself and my business venture.

Don't get me wrong, I will use social media to share my work. I truly value all the Pilates sharing that is on there. I continue to learn and grow as an instructor viewing new routines, sharing ideas and connecting with other instructors. It is such an important platform for us all.

But moving into 2021, my plan is to be in charge of it and not it be in charge of me. This is my new years resolution and by writing this blog, I am committing to this to paper!

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